Page name: Tortured Souls :S [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-01-04 18:29:43
Last author: MissionGenocide
Owner: MissionGenocide
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This is a scary, nasty, gory if you dont like messy stuff then go back cause its pretty messy in here *ooga booga!!*

This is where the tortured souls art goes...there my own creation but i draw them lots so they get there own little place.

Oooh btw im [MissionGenocide]...come say hewwo

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Well this is all of them so far, the tortured souls of the curse.There really are to many of them to explain want to hear more about one...scroll down and i might have done their own section...if theirs one i havent done youd like to see let me know ^o^


He is The Foundation, when cursed, the young boy awoke to find himself buried underground, he soon realised that aswell as that, several wooden beams and pipes were running through his body, his bones smashed and skin and muscle torn apart around them. Try as he might, his screams of agony and cries for help could not reach the ground above.

Even if the curse of the Dark Estate should be lifted, The Foundation knew that he already lead in his grave...there was no escape for him...he waits underground as boiling water runs through the pipes inside him, for the day when the curse is lifted and he can finally slip into death.


Nobody asked for it but i went ahead and did this anyway...

Another tortured soul..The Eternal Moment..this poor kids torment started at a very early stage...unlike other tortured souls, this boy grew up in a very violent household, he was beaten by his father and brother and treated like a failure no matter how hard he tried by his mother. Everyday was the same..he never recieved any love or care while he was growing about 16 years he ran away from home. He ran and ran trying to escape that awful his distraught state he seeked solitiude in an abandoned house he stumbled upon in a town he reached. Unfortunately this was the house of the curse....a few hours into his stay and the curse took hold....all of sudden he was back at home, he was 4 years old, and the pain had come back....incident by incident he re-experienced them all, the curse left him to an eternity of being trapped in a cycle of his lifes pain and misery...not to mention the clock hands and hourglass that sever and rip his body...because he is locked in a never-ending cycle of his past...he cannot see or hear anything from the present time, he just stands there, staring into space, screaming and flinching.


The original name of this child has never been discovered, but what is known is that in his life he suffered form epilepsy. This boy was found in the basement levels of an abandoned warehouse..chained to the wall by his ankles, but he behaved violently to anyone trying to rescue though he was being backed up to a wall by a preadator....eventually attempts ceased and the boy was left there.

Now investagators who ventured into the house of the curse and returned have made descriptions of a tortured soul just like the boy found at the warehouse....only now he was not there anymore, all that remained where two feet that looked like they had been gnawed off very messily....Psychotica as he became known remains shrouded in mystery.

As fas as his curse goes, his epilepsy has dramatically increased in severity...not helped by the fact he sees everything in flashing moments and all that hears in all sound that reaches him are intolerable screams. The child thrashes around himself with his long nails, frequently lacerarting himself as he moves forward on his knees...


Before his cursing, Darien was in the relationship of his dreams with his child hood sweetheart, 15 years he had waited for her to be with him and his dream had come true. One weekend though, it was told to him that she was going on a expidition to find her father, who she had told him was lost many years ago in the house of the curse. Shocked and fearing for his loves safety he ran all the way from his hometown miles away to reach the house, but she had already gone in. Darien would not lose her.... even though he was utterly exhausted form the run he kept on going staright through the doors of the house..where the curse was waiting for him, he collapsed on the floor and tried to catch his breath, but no matter how long he laid there he just kept getting more and more exhausted, as he paniced over what was happening he tried to get up but he couldnt, he had too little energy and it was getting worse, soon after he had a heart attack....years later, made immortal by the curse, Darien still lies just inside the doors of the house, too weak to do anything other than vainly try to pull himself up while his heart attack carries on for eternity. So strong is his love though he often crawls around the house after all these years of suffering, looking for his sweetheart. The Crawling Exhaustion has several leaks on him where all the energy he would be getting back leaves his is rumoured this energy is used by the curse itself....

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This is Marius...who was abandoned by his mother and brother in the house of the curse, locked in a room while they had drugged him inconcious. As is the fate of anyone in or around the house of the curse, Marius became afflicted by the terrible curse at the very point when he died of starvation. Now he is trapped in a horrifc state of dying without actually ever doing so. His mind and heart are broken as those he believed to have loved him had done this to him, whats more the side effects of the drug he was given were worsened by his curse, he constantly bleeds heavily from his eyes, mouth, nose, rectum and ears...on top of this physical and mental suffering, Marius' curse became so awful that it started to evolve and grow inside him, barded wire literally grew out of his back....and with forefronted thoughts of suicide Marius has tried time and time agian to kill himself by slitting his wrists, throat and hanging himself with these wires, but the immortality bestowed by the curse stops him from ending his torment.

Soon enough, Marius realised that because he was afflicted by the curse the moment he died....even if his curse was ever released, nothing could ever save his life...and so with the wire he carved into the walls of the room he was locked in a phrase that described his life

" No rest, No release, No hope, No way out, No matter what "


this little boy is unique because unlike most other tortured souls he does not suffer his curse inside the house, like the unrequited's curse is suffered on urban streets, the recluse suffers alone in a lost part of the world. The child who became the recluse couldnt bare to be alone...he enjoys company of people and animals alike and even the sight of others would make him smile. So used to being around large groups of people because of the way the place he lived was inside the town hall. One day he was unable to find one to talk with or play with which he was always he searched for someone he suddenly found himself falling down a hole, he fell and fell...the way he fell in dissapeared from sight. After a while he realised he could stand, but he couldnt feel any ground...or anything for that matter..nor could he see or hear anything, there was just he spends the rest of eternity wandering and weeping in the endless empty void. He cannot hear his own crying let alone his own prayers and occasionly he mumbles the same line he onced screamed...but over time the way even he couldnt hear his calls destroyed him and he lost hope and it gradually quitened to a mumble....

"I dont want to be Alone....please.."

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The Unrequited is the youngest of the tortured souls . The monster next to him is the totured curse, although this creature doesnt actually is a nightmarish dellusion that all the curses see as one of the affects of their curse. This is the point in which the poor boy who became the unrequited was cursed.

The boy was extremely kind and open hearted, he would extend a warm smile and a friendly attitude to anyone and everyone and always saw the good in people. Then one time the boy met up with the wrong crowd and was beaten badly. As his love for all people started to waiver he suddenly was afflicted by the curse. Now the love he had has transformed into a solid weight chained to his heart and he is doomed to be hated by everyone who see's him so much that they attack him. The curses effect of immortality and the weight of his love means he will spend the rest of eternity having his body and his feelings for people beaten and torn apart.

Here the nightmarish dellusion shows all the arms of those he loves sinking away from him and into the curse as it whispers to him his eternal fate.

That warm smile he shows to the people he sees is slowly dissapearing......

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The tortured soul Vallen, also known as The Revelance in Suffering. Vallen is unique from other tortured souls, Vallen was raised in a foster home, and his foster carers....didnt care. He was taught from the start that he was an ugly, hopeless, evil child who deserved every ounce of hardship sent his way. The young Vallen believed their every word and began to hate himself even more than they did. He found release by defacing his body, with whatever was handy, he believed he was somewhat repenting for his existence by destroying himself....soon though, he became so dependant on self harm to cope, he began to inflict near fatal wounds to himself.

No longer willing or able to have him around, his foster carers decided to abandon him. Vallens mind had collapsed, only one thought remained, that he was a monster and must suffer. Vallen walked willingly into the house and cried out ot the curse, to give him the immortality to punish himself forever. The curse granted his wish on one condition, that he must carry his curse unto others..and punish them too.

Vallen became the first Vassal of the curse, inside his bloodsoaked lair in the basement of the house, lie 100's of cursed people, dragged there from the streets by Vallen to share in his eternal punishment. The only happiness you will ever hear within the house of the curse is the psychotic laughter of Vallen, Pleasure in Pain.

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This is broken, the second vassal, as you may know means a tortured soul with the ability to infect others with the curse, extremely powerful tortured souls that are able to leave the confines of the house to find victims.

From the time he was born, Kuria was cursed never to be able to feel positive emotions, such as happiness, love, releief, relax, hope, belief etc. He was born "shattered" all over his body like glass that researchers believe to be the cause of forceful infection by the enigmatic curse.

Its no suprise that Kuria was quickly revealed to be a curse and abandoned in the house with the others. All he could experience was his hate for his existence and for those who left him here and even those who gave him the life he can only despise. With no way of feeling of release or calm his rage only grew. He screamed for a way to slaughter the people outside to who he hated and envied unbearably so. The curse would never fufil the wishes of a tortured soul and provide them with release, but seen as Kuria cant actually feel release, the curse made an exception and gave Kuria the power of he had a way to make others suffer like he did.

When he turns black...his destructive power is being unleashed. With an undying rage and hate he spares no effort on leveling anything in his way with his black fire...a special flame that contains the it burns or explodes, it infects those caught in it.


Glen and his family where quite happy, especially considering the presence of the cursed house that forever haunted the town they lived in. They made a comfortable living and Glen and his two sisters (1 younger and 1 older ) got along well.

Then a tragedy occured, a fire started in the spread quickly...Glen noticed the fire but could not escape his was very late at night so the blazing house lit up the surrounding area brightly, someone must have noticed and called out the fire brigade...but still, Glen came to his window and called for help...he screamed and screamed but noone was to be found, all the houses remained quiet and still.

Desperate, Glen forced his way out of his room to warn the others but he was too after room he saw te flames had already killed them...all of them, he was only in time to witness his mothers final moments of agony....Glen was mortified, the horror was too much to take in and he froze as the house burned around him..then he too caught aflame....he felt the dreadful burning all over his body...but even long after the house had burnt to nothing..Glen was still there, screaming inside the flame that covered his body, flames that would never die for water or time, he knew what had happened, the curse had infected him...

Glen, The Living Flame, knew nothing else to do than to go to the house of the curse and stay there where he could not be found....if you listen beyond the roaring of the can still hear him weeping the death of his family, his eternal, searing pain also a constant reminder of their fate.


This little boy is a very unique tortured soul. In the days that followed the cursed mansions sudden appearance just outside the town, its deadly curse was yet unknown and many curious explorers were afflicted. Edman came in search of his father who was one such explorer, search as he might his father was nowhere to be seen but Edman did find another explorer...drawing his final breaths, for some reason the curse had not taken the man...and he told Edman the knowledge he had found and then told Edman to run, as fast as he could out of the mansion and share the knowledge with the rest of the town.

As he ran though Edman saw he was being chased by chains and bandages...crashing out of the walls and floors and flying through the air like a swarm of bees. Edman ran and ran but just before he reached the door, a mechanical arm with a suringe lunged from in front of him from the floor, stabbing deep it injected what seemed to be electricity into his bloodstream, he screamed in pain and as he did the mansion started to change staircases collapsed and rebuilt elsewhere, or twisted round to lead down instead of up. Corridors shortened and leghtened, doors dissapeared and reappeared or led to different rooms. Most importantly though, the exit was nowhere to be seen, when Edman opened his eyes, he was in a room with no way in or out, he tried to scream but suddenly he was yanked against the wall, chains and bandages rapidly bound him in place tightly on a metal plate. Within seconds he was unable to move or speak. The electric suringes emerged aswell..and they inject him with electricity again and again...the mansion altering each time

It is because of Edmans torture, that others cannot escape from the house, The Bounds muffled scream of pain rings through the mansion just before it changes, dooming all inside to be lost and trapped forever.

Edman: The Bound was sealed away for knowing what the curse could not let anybody know..and for knowing this he now faces eternal punishment...

He will never speak of the cure...


Ivan was once the child of an extremely wealthy family...certainly one of the most wealthy families in the town. He was blessed with near flawless looks and anything he so desired. In this case the curse came out of the house to find him when his parents tried to organise the demoltion of the house of the curse.

When he next awoke..Ivan felt alot different, he had great difficulty getting up and felt very damp and wide. It didnt take long for him to notice he was melting into some sort of slime, the commotion he caused soon grabbed the attention of his attendants. Unfortuantely for Ivan..they believed him to be a tortured soul that had killed Ivan and thus he was quickly thrown into the house of the curse, he tried to tell them but his mouth had melted so his words were nothing more than muffled groans.

Ivan is of great note becuase he was the child who lost the most when he became cursed, to have had all that promise and wealth, to suddenly wake one morning and in a short instant it was taken away and replaced with an eternity of torment and hopelessnes. Ivan was unable to accept his the house he spends all day everyday vainly trying to mould himself back to how he was but he just melts away every time. His tears soak into his molten body and the salt stings the exposed muscle around his eyes, only his immortality prevents from melting completely...

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Climh,The Magnet to Heartache is a new tortured soul, so hes not on the group pictures at the top...

Climhs father was part of an extremely unpopular group which fought for the civil rights of tortured souls, claiming it was simply too inhumane to leave all these children locked inside a house to suffer forever and not even trying to help them, they believed the house of the curse should been refurbished into a care home for those afflicted. Climh himself was a very fragile and emotional boy....he had a big heart but it broke easily and cried alot, he wasnt strong enough to cope with certain hardships that most people can deal with. Heartbreak was something that destroyed him completely and when it happened to Climh as it does to us all, the curse took its hold on the weakened boy.

From that moment on, Climh would fall in love with everyone he could not be with. Fearing for the effect the curse would have on his son, Climh's father very bravely kept his son in his house and continued to care for him, he was the first tortured soul who was cared for by a un-cursed person, normally even fathers would spare no hesitation to disown their children if they were inflicted.

Unfortunately word soon got out that a tortured curse was residing in the house, and when authorities came to investigate, Climhs father wrapped him up in clothes much to big for him and gave him an umbrella. Climh didnt want to leave his father but his father insisted and told him to hide from everyone and live on as best he could. Climh escaped....and who knows what fate befell his the only person left in the house he was probably assumed as tortured soul and treatedas though he where immortal...

Climh still hides to this day....but his curse has still sent him into madness, his curse amplified his fragile and emotional nature, every inevitable heartbreak Climh ran into was beyond bearability and it quickly added up, soon he had lost all hope and with a hammer left in the coat of his fathers he began trying to kill his emotions by stabbing himself repeatedly in the head, his bandaged head serves to sheild his eyes from people and cover his wound. He also starves himself in order to one day be able to attack his heart and perhaps destroy the source of the pain.

No matter the weather...Climh - The Magnet to Heartache wanders on in his huge raincoat, scarf and umbrella trying desperately to avoid people, let alone capture. He is very unique because he actually seeks the house of the curse...believing it to be a sanctuary where no-one can reach him.

But the curse never allows for avenues of release for long.....


Rassil, The Blood of Blades is the most recent boy to be afflicted with the curse and also the eldestm although still only 18. He as with other recent afflicants managed to catch his curse without going into the house, showing the increasing power of the curse.

Razzil was a medical researcher working on the curse, searching for treatments and early symptoms, such research had been forbidden soon after the curses discovery but he pressed on, without any funding as no-one dared be involved.

One night though he accidently cut himself with a medical blade, it was possible his curse came from ill-stored samples or improperly cleaned tools he had with him that had found there way into the wound. Soon after he felt sharp scracthing pains all over his body, but coming from inside. The pains got worse and worse and it wasnt long until the source was revealed, sharp blades were growing inside him, inside his blood stream to be exact, growing and growing until they scrach along the sides then peirce through and out of the skin, they continue to grow until they fall out, then degrade rapidly. The growth is slow but Razzil has on average about 300 blades growing inside him at any one time, the slow speed of the growth only makes it more painful.

He was soon discovered and thrown into the house with the others as becomes anyone who is found to be cursed...nobody wants them out in the streets or near their houses, in the hospitals or in society at all.

But Rassil still has hope, he continues his research even through the unbearable pain and sleepless nights, using himself as a study, he has vowed to never give up but he hasnt been cursed as long as the others, how long till the curse breaks his hope apart ? He could be the only hope for the victims of the terrible curse.

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This is Shun, The Birthplace of Torment, this is alot more than a tortured soul, this is the boy who brought the curse to the world, the very first afflictant.

Shun was born nearly 700 years ago, but he wasnt born from a human, he was born by a tree as a deft seed that floated on the wind before growing into the boy 1000's of miles away from this strange tree. This phenomenom went unrealised and unknown, no-one ever saw Shun as a seed growing into a baby boy. Shun however was born with a terrible curse, immortality. He stopped aging at only 8 years but that wasnt all. Shuns body was so poorly developed he was unable to eat, breathe, sleep, see, talk or hear, none of his bodily organs functioned. The only thing that Shun felt was a pulsing pain, a pain so indescribably unbearable it dwafred anything the tortured curses would feel. Shun could only wander aimlessly, people he managed to run into only pushed him away, he was branded a demon child in any village he wandrd into. So it was for centuries until Shun managed to reach a tree. When he did, all his pain dissapeared and his body started to work. Shun was overwhelmed by this rush of sensations, he fell in love with the tree and stayed by it forever. Holding it tightly, smiling.

About 200 years later, a wealthy man wanted to build his mansion upon the land the tree stood. Shun refused to move from his tree and was ordered to be killed and hastily buried where he was shot before this butchery was discovered.

Of course, unbenknownst to the man, Shuns immortality allowed him to live, but no longer with his tree he could not escape from underground. He wanted so much to be with his tree again and hated the man so much that his terrible curse was passed through the roots of weeds and grassed all the way to the house he built, all those inside the house died as they could not bear the suffering the curse gave them.

Then, what seemed to be the ghost of the tree shun loved absorbed the buried boy through its roots and they became one. Unsatisfied with his revenge, Shun now seeked to spread his curse throughout the world, to all the people who treated him so cruely as he wandered the world through all those centuries. Whats more he wanted them to suffer for Shun would give his curse and his immortality to everyone.

So even now the boy waits inside the tree, his hatred only growing as one by one he curses the world...for now its only a couple of dosen children from the town built around the cursed house...but the curse is spreading. His pain has returned but the ghost tree has given him a strange new body, one that can pass into minds and through walls, a twisted form that sees through eyes of hate, blood mixed with sap oozes out of his hideous form.

Recently, Shun has been coming out of the tree and wanddering about the surrounding town, could this be how even children who havent been near the house have been cursed....his true identity and even his existance unknown to all, even the curses have only seen him in their nightmares.

and why is it shun only seems to target other children?


The Poisoned Gemini, a true tale of brotherly love. These twins were amongst those to lose their parents in the casulaties before the lethal nature of the ghostly house was revealed. Kira was left to take responsibilty for protecting his little brother Kisha and he took the role very seriously indeed, he swore to protect Kisha and stay with him no matter what. However try as he might Kira could not make his brother happy, the loss of their parents was too much for the young child to bear. So one day Kira told his brother he was going to the house to find mum and dad, despite first objecting Kisha convinced him to let him go too.

As they stared into the dark doorway of the house, Kira whispered to his brother..."no matter what, I will never let go of your hand, never!". Kisha nodded " I wont let go either, I promise."

The curse sought to break that promise for him as the pair entered the curse itself appeared before them as the door slammed shut behind them, their fate was sealed. Shun placed the rotting wood like hand on Kisha's face and the curse was inside them both instantly. As they began to grow into each other, skin began to rip off the boys and it was grafted to the other. Thier blood began to pump through each others viens, the curse was that each brother was now allergic to the other, poisoned by the others blood. The curse grinned in delight as it said.

"To the one of you who lets go first...the curse will be left with the other and you are free to go. However, the longer you stay together, the worse the sickness will get."

Without even a second thought, Kira screamed through the terrible pain. " I WILL NEVER LET GO! NEVER! ", Shun simply laughed as he dissapeared, he whispered

" Lets see how much you like each other, when you are the source of each others pain...who will be the first to break I wonder? "

Even now, Kira still does what he can to look after Kisha, they hold tightly to each others hand as they search the house for their parents, both have vowed never to let go, no matter how painful it gets...


Azusa was a devout christian before his cursing, sometime after his tenth birthday though, he started noticed a certain trend of things around and about him going wrong, sometimes very very wrong.

The chain of events escalated in severity as time passed, until very soon nothing would go right not only for Azusa but for anyone he knew, people started to die, lives started to fall apart around him. His own lifes purpose and reason fell apart. He nearly lost all faith in god and attempted suicide, but he did not die.

It was clear to him all too late that he was cursed, as much to protect anyone else from his aura of failure and destruction as it was to punish himself for all that happened because of him, he took himself to the house and to forever prevent him from leaving he nailed himself to the floor of the deepest room he could find.

He carved a cross into his chest as a way to let god in but as years went on, Asuza's eternally bloodstained hands drove him past isanity.

His faith in life and the afterlife and salvation his faith promised has long since gone. He is beyond the grace of god inside the walls of the curse.


The Aborted Nephilim, brand new curse so he's not in the group pictures at the top. This un-named child was discovered to be cursed whilst still in his mothers womb by doctors. Without hesitation the decision was made to abort the child, yet the immortality the curse gives to any it afflicts made the child survive, the process only served to add to the boy trauma when it was born.

The child was born with feathered wings, scientists dubbed these as a side effect of the curse but it may be that child is indeed an angel. So his curse name The Aborted Nephilim was born, a nephilim being the child born of an angel and a human.

The child was taken from its mother after birth and used as a research subject to find out more of the curse. Soon after this though such research was banned and the child was discarded into the house, umbillical cord still attached to him.

The curse made the boy a vassal, the first of which that didnt want to be one. His maldeveloped senses and body and unbearable growing pains form this childs torture, the umbillical cord has become a sentient worm like growth that burrows into peoples chest and plants the curse deep inside.

Fallen feathers, blood and tears leave a trail where the child has been. Along with the unfortunate people that cross him, the lucky ones are killed...


Vicky is another of Shun's Vassals, and is known throughout the house as the "Princess of the Curse". Vicky was a playful child, even into her teens, she loved to play with dolls, and like many girls her age she had a fiery temper if things didnt go her way or she didnt get what she wanted. Vicky came to the house like so many others, searching desperately for her father, who was numbered among the countless lost within the mansions doors, unaware of the horrid fate that she was powerless to fight. Soon after stepping into the house, Shun destroyed her mind with his terrible curse. He delved deep into her mind and pulled her back to the child she used to be, but not before he twisted and skewed it in his own sadistic way. Vicky forgot everything of her life, except for the tormenting notion that there was something incredibly important and dear to her that she had forgotten. The thought in her mind torments her so much that in order to escape from it, she loses herself in dollhouse and tea party like playing, except she doesnt have dolls to use, so its her unfortunate victims that are forced to take part in her playtime, and Vicky plays rough, especially when her tantrums kick in. Anything that distracts her from her play fantasy and reminds her of the thing she forgot causes her to lose it completely, revealing the horrific monster the curse transformed her into.

Pumping and thrashing wooden arms control her body from the inside like a puppet, its from these wooden arms the thick black ooze which Vicky rises and sinks into. It is said that her mind is so sunk in that her body is now nothing but an empty vessel, that she is fused with the house itself, and prowls through its walls and ceilings seeking victims foolish like she was, to come inside the cursed house.

Vickys playhouse, littered with trembling cursed, lies deep within the mansion. They live in eternal fear of the next time they are picked as part of her next game, and what will become of them the next time her mind cracks.

Little does Vicky know, someone came looking for her too, someone else she has now completely forgotten.


Silvia is one of the growing number of new curses that are appearing outside the house. Shuns presence is somehow leaving the confines of the house and latching his curse onto weak or vulnerable people. Silvia was innocently playing with her friends one icy winter, when she accidentaly fell through some thin ice into freezing water. Though her friends were able to pull her out, she would never again be able to warm up from that terrible cold, for Shun lay in wait beneath the ice. Silvia was cursed with a freezing natural body temperature, it was so far below freezing that the all the fluids in her body froze. Even moisture in the air around her began to freeze, and she quickly began to freeze to anything she touched.

Beyond that though, the freezing in her body began to form into sharp icicles, they forced there way out of her body. No fire or sunlight would ever heat her up at all, nor melt the ice a drop, it would only ever grow. Mortified, her friends fled and abandoned her on the ice. Silvia tried to call out for help, but her entire body was frozen, including everything on the inside, her vocal chords couldnt vibrate. It took now time at all for the spreading ice to lift her off the ground, dooming her to to be impaled on it forever.

Once she was completely alone, Silvia fell through the ice into an underground cavern, where vile branches lashed around her and dragged her to her present prison of torment. Beneath the mansion, in an underground cave accesible only through the cursed mansion.

In the years she has spent, suspended on her own bloodstained frost, in that cave, it has become an artic death trap, covered in sharp pointed icicles. Many cursed have tumbled into the cave and been lost in it forever, once you have slipped down the icy slope, there is no way to climb back out. Hundreds of them are scattered about the cave, but at the heart of the icy fangs, the chattering teeth of Silvia echo in the cave. Her bloodied icy throne, stuck straight through her body.


This is a character made by my friend [jessicaB]! :D

Amy Evens D'eath was the daughter of an undertaker. Day after day she was surrounded by people grieving for thier lost loved ones, and the cold bodies of dead. No matter how many times she saw them, she could never grow used to it, and with the terrible outbreak of the curse, her fathers work was busier than ever. The constant aura of death that filled her life traumatised her, she hated it and wanted nothing more than to escape it somehow.

One evening, Amy was confronted by death close to her heart as her Grandmother lay seriously ill in hospital, knowing that she would not pull through, it was too much for Amy. As her grandmothers final moments approached, she fled the village into the surrounding forest to somehow put all the death behind her, but she could not escape her own thoughts, she broke down and cried, she started to think, that if she was to live a life so full of death, than she would rather die herself and be rid of it all.

The roots of the trees around her started to creak and shuffle, Shun had watched her enter his dark woods and listened to her thoughts, from behind her, his grinning face formed in the bark of a tree, and with a slight brush of his hand against her back, her fate was sealed for eternity.

Amy returned home that night, but in just a few days, she had noticed something was wrong, her skin pulsed with a sickly pain. Not long after, she watched in horror as her skin grew ice cold and lost its colour, it started to rot and decompose, she could no longer feel her heart beat or breathe. Staring in the mirror she saw the face of death she had hated so much. Realising that she had become one of the cursed, she fled back into the forest, this time for good. Inside she knew though, that she would now never escape the death she hated so much, for it was all over her own body, for now and forever.

Amy does as best she can on her own, despite some run ins with the Vassals, she refuses to be taken to the house. Despite her sorrow from her fate, she has kept her fiery temper and defiance, and is willing to defend herself, as she wanders the towns outskirts and back streets, and the dark forest. Amy, the Living Death, clings on to whatever semblance of life she can.


The Betrayed is a Vassal, in fact he is Shun's most horrific and lethal Vassal of them all. How he comes to be one, and where he comes from, I would like to leave a secret for now, just incase I ever decide to develop this story at all, I wouldnt want to spoil this particular curse's back story. For those of you who figure it out, well done :)

I CAN tell you that the noxious gas that bellows from him, is rife with toxic fumes, and above all, just the smallest inhalation of this gas and you not only are infected with the curse, but just before the immortality sets in, youre entire body is almost instantly corroded to a bubbling puddle. Those cursed by The Betrayed's gas are doomed to an eternity of terrible conciousness, exisitng only as the flecks of flesh that remain. Shun has been known to drink from these living puddles, so as to subject those poor souls to further torment.

Those wise or lucky enough to avoid the gas will fall prey to his blades, the Betrayed crawls at terrifying speed on them like a spider, his body facing upwards and whats left of his neck craned backwards. The blades are drenched in a poison, left behind by what he once was. To be cut by these blades is to be afflicted by Shun's curse.

Half a face, perpetually contorted with seething anger, while the other half, formed from the gas, stares unblinking with an eye of pure malice. The Betrayed roars and screams as he lashes and lunges at his victims, the murderous klink of his blades ringing a haunting rythm as he skitters the walls and ceilings, chasing relentlessly.

Be very VERY afraid >:)


Claire, the saviour, is the single light of hope that every tortured soul clings to. She is an extremely unique curse, though she started just like many others, braving the house in search of her lost father, and just like all the others, Shun soon found her and afflicted Claire with his curse. However, something extraordinary happened. A bright light began to radiate from Claire, forcing away the evil of shuns curse, Shun was furious that some force was fighting against his curse, and he began pushing more of his evil power into giving Claire the curse. Shun was able to overpower the light and force the curse through. But it couldnt take full hold of claire, the light in her continued to battle the curse inside her. As dark looking claws threatened to grab around her, feathered wings erupted from her back to block them. Shun scowled at the scene, and slinked away back into the shadows of the house.

After several days in the house, seeing the less fortunate victims in the house, Claire began to realise she was some sort of special case, the bright light that radiated from her, the feathered wings, protecting her from the full effect of Shuns curse, this holy image she had suddenly taken on had in her shock. Suddenly, Vallen, sent by Shun to destroy this exception to his curse, burst out of the shadows and attacked her, but before she had chance to run or scream, a great, gleaming sword materialised in her hand, and even though she had never used one in her life, she weilded it like it was second nature. Shun ordered Vallen to fall back, and he relunctantly obeyed. Shun once again appeared before Claire, now fully aware at what she was. He frowned at her, his cracking and creaking like snapping wood as his expression shifted.

"You are a long way from home, angel, your God has no power here! You heart will soon falter, and when it does, my curse will throttle the light out of your soul! And you will spend eternity suffering here, you will not be spared from this life like your father was!"

Realising Shun was responsible for her fathers dissapearance and now, his death, and that of many others, she vowed to use her new found power to destroy Shun and his rule of terror, no matter what. As she searches for answers through the house, the curses she encounters are only to happy to follow her and join her cause, this radiant girl who defies Shun, is even somewhat immune to effects of the other curses.

Claires curse is inside her, but because of her holy power, a vicous struggle between good and evil rages in her body, and it shows on her body. Shuns evil surrounds her, pushing against her aura, getting as close as it can. The evil power surrounds even her sword, inhibiting its power. Her body is ravaged by this battle, but Claire must keep strong and steadfast, she can never allow herself to lose hope or become too afraid, if he heart becomes too weak, Shuns curse will destroy the light and the curse will take complete hold of her. She leads the curses she has found through the house on her mission to find the cure and destroy Shun once and for all, while Shun, his vassals and his dark forces are hellbent on breaking her spirit or eliminating her completely.


Andrew was not a kind boy, like others who have fallen prey to the curse, he may have been far from evil, but there are those who may have not felt sorry to hear that he had been lost to mansion.

Andrew was a terrible bully at his school, he and those who kept his company and followed his lead, made life miserable for anyone they could, for any reason they could find, and maybe even if they just felt like it. There was no terrible parents or poor upbringing to justify it, Andrew was just a nasty piece of work. He may have one day grown out of it and looked back in regret in the way he was, but he never had that chance.

In fact, one of the people he bullied, a younger boy, sat and prayed one night that Andrew would be taken away by the curse that was by then common knowledge. Too young to now the truth of what he was wishing. That prayer was something that god would never have answered, but somebody else was listening, someone perhaps close to a god.

In a display of his growing power, Shun actually appeared as a new student at the school andrew went to. Andrew, saw the skinny, scruffy, strange and pale child and saw a typical target. Once he laid a hand on the child his fate was sealed, his whole vision blurred save for the small child, who erupted from his uniform and grinned, the demonic voice, coupled with a malicious childs, echoed by a thousand screams, thundered in his ears and mind.

"You have delighted in inflicting suffering on others little man! But I have seen your soul and it is weak! You do not belong on the pedestal you have crafted for yourself, you deserve pain, you deserve all the pain there is in the world, for what else are the weak good for but to suffer? Surely you can understand that...Andrew!"

With that, his vision returned, but he was lost inside the mansions corridors. Moments later, he saw blue energies, swiriling ominously above him, they appeared on the floor around him, circling ever closer. Like a prowling pack of wolves they suddenly converged on him, crashing into his back and bursting the whole of it open. The energy was pain, like Shun had promised, it was all the pain that existed in the world. Everything that every person outside the house was feeling, both physical and emotional pain, was rushing into his body like a rapid river. The energy enveloped him like a vortex. His screams barely audible within the raging storm.

The Epicentre, was doomed to feel the worlds pain for all eternity, and in Shuns world, there was plenty of it to feel.

As for the boy whose wish Shun granted...well Shun didnt want to leave any happiness in the wake of his work. He made sure he found his way to the house aswell.

For those of you who read my Guardian Vesuvius story (if there even is anyone left lol) this character is a wink and a nod to Zanados ;)


For those of you familiar with Shun's story, this is what became of the heartless Baron who chose to shoot dead the boy who refused to leave his land, a decision he would be forced to regret for the rest of eternity. Baron Wallace Dermot, became the first ever person to be afflicted by Shuns curse, after Shun himself of course. Unlike most recent curses though, Wallace's curse took a very long time to show itself, as it grew ever so gradually inside his mind. As his mansion was bieng constructed, he began to hear voices, at first they were quite and infrequent, but as time went on they slowly became louder, angrier and more common. When Shuns evil finally reached the mansion through the ground, and people who worked on the construction and in the building, his servants and even his friends and family, began to fall ill and die, or lose thier mind and commit suicide, The Baron began feel something shifting in his body. With each death, the voices got worse, more real, it got to the point where he could swear they were coming from inside his body. How right he was, faces began to show on his skin, screaming, laughing, crying, vomitting, insane, they all hounded him with blame and guilt, forever reminding of the names of those who died. When the Baron had lost everyone, left alone in his mansion, Shun appeared before him, now fully fused with the ghost of the hell tree. With a manic grin and gesture of his hand, the mansion, seeped in Shuns evil, began its dark transformation. The ground swallowed Wallace up, dragging all the way to the deepest darkest basement, there vines literally crucified him on some wood left over from the construction.

Shun stroked his face, though it felt more like toxic stings dragging through his skin, bringing his head up to stare him in his sobbing eyes. "You have only begun to taste my revenge, son of man, you destroyed and took from me the only solace I could ever have had. Now you will fester here forever, let the knowledge that every evil I go on to visit on this world is because of you, tear you apart. You will never be allowed to forget, each and every sin for which you are responsible. Baron, lord of nothing, guilt will be your poison, and your only companion." Shun dissappeared, and he would never visit the Baron ever again, choosing to have him remain completely alone with his guilt. His body would eventually tear away from the cross he hanged on, but he would only slump to the floor, the cross through his spine, while the faces tormented him every second of every day, twisiting his body into a horrid tangle.

The Punished, the unforgiven, The Guilt, suffers on to this day, the wieght of the mansion on his shoulders, and the weight of the sins within on his mind.


Brant the Lost, or sometimes known as The Overlution is the most monstrous of all the curses, and by far the largest, his horrific, gargantuan form takes up an entire floor of the great estate, and soon even that wont be enough to hide him.

Brants curse was inside his brain before he was even born, but it wasn't until way into his teenage years that it became noticable. Brants brain is locked in its gestation mindframe, it constantly thinks that the body still needs to develop itself, arms, legs, eyes, everything...and so it continues to grow it all.

It started very slowly, it wasnt till Brant was 18 that he started to notice strange lumps on his body. But Brant didnt pay them much mind, he was after all entranced by his fantasy come true, his childhood sweetheart and he had finally admitted feelings for each other and they had started dating, but it was not meant to last. In fact, Shun noticed this happiness in one of his curses to be and decided to radically accelerate Brants curse. When the first eye opened up on Brants body, it was the beginning of the end of his life. Ashamed and repulsed at his worsening appearance, he disappeared from the lives of those he loved without a word, hiding away in a disused shed, weeping away the hours as he body exploded in growth, agony as it was torn, stretched and impaled by uninhibited, uncontrolled growth. Dark thoughts entered his mind, which influenced his malfuctioning brain, inhuman limbs and growths started to form, his old visage becoming lost in the mass of writhing hands and tentacles, twitching eyes and gaping maws.

Soon the shed was not enough, he had to haul his hideous body to a larger hiding place, his continued growth would have brant change his hiding place several times before he succumbed to the inevitable. There was no place for him now except the dark confines of the house. He ventured into the deepest, darkest and largest room he could find, its empty cellar and huddled himself into its corner. He thought about his love, and the life he lost, as his curse worsened he was thankful that none of them ever learnt what became of him....but Shun was no fool, his curse would never allow such easy escape.

The one thing Brants curse never reproduced was organs, and as his body grew and grew his own came under more and more strain. Brant would have suffered it, but he was by now such a minor part of the colony he had become he could no longer control it, it spawned horrific beasts, guided by a single instinct, to go out into the city and drag unfortuntate victims to become part of the colony, thier bodies hooked into like batteries, Brant used thier bodily organs to make the colony thrive. A few became many, many became hundreds. Eventually, in the countless sacks of skin the people lay piled in, Brant realised the eventual horror. Those he loved would come to learn of his fate in the fact, they would likely become part of it, and if they didnt, Brant would eventually become so collosal, that there would be nowhere left to hide.

The Brant that was may be lost....but the Brant that is, was destined to be found. A thought that terrified and killed him, far more than the vast sea of pain his body brought him, far more than the guilt all his helpless victims brought him.

To Shun, Brant is more than another of his curses, the huge form blocks the only way into the Courtyard, where stands the Hell Tree, where resides the vassals and the Birthplace of Torment himself. So long as Brant exists, Shun cannot be challenged.

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2011-10-06 [jessicaB]: I really would like to have you do Belmia and Irene next. If you are ok with doing Irene.

2011-10-27 [jessicaB]: Do you know what if any normally nice character are dangerous if they are pushed too far?

2011-10-28 [MissionGenocide]: Well, to an ordinary person, people like Marius, Psychotica and Glen are very dangerous if provoked. Then there are those like Azuza and Brant, who will straight up kill anybody they encounter. Those who have more meek curses though, like Climh or the unrequited, arent dangerous.

In the face of Vassals or Shun, there isnt anyone who would flip at them, fear will consume them. That is of course, unitl Claire gets involved ;)

2011-10-28 [jessicaB]: Or Amy, heheheh. That girl has a pretty hot temper. She had surprised a few people yet, she will likely surprise Claire when she runs into her!

2011-11-14 [jessicaB]: Climh and Unrequited are about how old?

2011-11-16 [MissionGenocide]: the unrequited is about 10-11 years old, Climh is about 16-17.

2011-11-16 [jessicaB]: Really? I assumed Climh was slightly younger than that.

2011-11-18 [jessicaB]: Medical report: Anyone as thin as Marius would have a collapsed intestine and not be able to eat.

2011-11-21 [MissionGenocide]: Well Climh has to be old enough to fall in love you know ;). Well Marius and most of those cursed as long as him are dead for a hundred other reasons anyway if they werent immortal XD

2011-11-21 [jessicaB]: Good point. :P About how long is that?

2011-11-23 [MissionGenocide]: around 7 years Im thinking

2011-11-23 [jessicaB]: Is that all? It doesn't take long for the curse to do a number on you, does it?

2011-12-27 [jessicaB]: AHA! I see you have done that revival.

2011-12-27 [jessicaB]: May you do Raz after the two new ones?

2012-01-05 [jessicaB]: Hi there Mike. I see you have some very big news to share! Errr, seeing how sensitive he is about the matter, maybe I should pretend not to see?

2012-01-05 [MissionGenocide]: huh? what do you mean? :S

2012-01-07 [jessicaB]: I mean Brant. It was a very bad joke. :(

2012-01-09 [MissionGenocide]: lol sorry, Im very slow XD

2012-01-13 [jessicaB]: Irene infects people with two curse-filled hollow bayonets. She can squirt a small amount of infecting substance on bullets, load them and fire. She has the longest infecting range of the Vassals this way, though with less of a success rate.

2013-11-11 [jessicaB]: If you are there at all, please give me a buzz. I am still waiting patiently for you, and playing the game I made three years ago in honour of this.

2018-04-06 [jessicaB]: Update this?

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